Nurali Aliyev

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18th October 2022

Nurali Aliyev: about what he was able to do for the development of Astana and why he has decided to get back to business

Nurali Aliyev tells of indicators achieved by the capital of Kazakhstan over the past year in the area....

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20th September 2022

Nurali Aliyev working towards creating an IT-forward Kazakhstan

An IT enthusiast, Nurali Aliyev is working vehemently towards creating an IT- forward Kazakhstan.......

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Nurali Aliyev

serial entrepreneur
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Nurali Aliyev

serial entrepreneur
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Nurali Aliyev supports a number of vital charities
and projects that drive change for the better in
Kazakhstan and around the world

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Opening ceremony of Snow Leopard Foundation

Mr. Nurali Aliyev launches the official Kingdom of Snow Leopard Foundation in Almaty, Kazakhstan at the official opening ceremony of the Foundation. 

Welcome Speech

In his welcoming speech Nurali Aliyev admitted that his idea of foundation had been cherished for some time before he came up with the crucial decision to establish the system that would restore the population of snow leopards in Kazakhstan for decades onwards.

Launches new Academic Program

Nurali Aliyev sponsors and launches the new Academic Program for future IT leaders in business, under his own name.

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